Prices for macooa software



for beginners
for XS / S
fix price
1 to 3 users


for professionals
for M / L
price per user
4 up to 250 users


for professionals
for XL
user tiered fix price
up to 250 users
Price per Month € 36,- per Month, Fix Price € 15,- per Month, per User from € 380,- per Month, tiered Fix Price
Idea Board Idea Board Idea Board Idea Board
Kanban Board Kanban Board Kanban Board Kanban Board
Cockpit Cockpit Cockpit Cockpit
Project Management, -planning & Organisation Project Management Project Management Project Management
Worktime Capture & Team Holidayplanning Time tracking Time tracking Time tracking
Budget Management, Cost / Benfit Calculations Budget Management Budget Management Budget Management
Third Party Services Third Party Services Third Party Services Third Party Services
Cost Estimates, Offers, Invoices Cost Estimates, Offers, Invoices Cost Estimates, Offers, Invoices Cost Estimates, Offers, Invoices
CRM Sales Pipeline & Client Analysis CRM Sales Pipeline CRM Sales Pipeline CRM Sales Pipeline
CRM Clients, Contacts & Contact History CRM Clients, Contacts & Contact History CRM Clients, Contacts & Contact History CRM Clients, Contacts & Contact History
CRM E.Mail Newsletter Marketing E.Mail Newsletter Marketing E.Mail Newsletter Marketing E.Mail Newsletter Marketing
Administration Administration Administration Administration
Creativity Board / Image Editor Creativity Board / Image Editor Creativity Board / Image Editor Creativity Board / Image Editor
macooa App macooa App macooa App macooa App
Multi-Factor Authentication MFA MFA MFA
AI-based Language Support AI AI AI
Generated Document Types *.doc *.doc *.doc, *.pdf *.doc, *.pdf *.doc, *.pdf *.doc, *.pdf
Number of Users, Projects,Projectplans, Workpackages etc.
limited Number of Users, Projects

unlimited Number of Users, Projects

unlimited Number of Users, Projects
Export / Download Download Download Download
iCal / Outlook Dates iCal / Outlook iCal / Outlook iCal / Outlook
FaceTime Integration *) FaceTime Integration *) FaceTime Integration *) FaceTime Integration *)
Skype Integration **) Skype Integration **) Skype Integration **) Skype Integration **)
Project Archive Archive Archive Archive
macooa Cloud Storage (Documents) bookable macooa Cloud Storage (Documents) macooa Cloud Storage (Documents) macooa Cloud Storage (Documents)
Price Model user-independent per User user-tiering
Languages Flag Germany Flag GB
Flag Germany Flag GB
Flag Germany Flag GB
  Become a
START Client
Become a
PRO Client
Become a

macooa Cloud Storage


Your data are stored in a German cloud in accordance with GDPR.

Access any time

As you already know from macooa, you have access to your data in the macooa Cloud Storage at any time.


Your data are encrypted and stored in the macooa Cloud Storage.

Picture Gallery...

Plus other features such as picture show, zoom, autoplay, fullscreen and much more.


Assign images to your macooa projects, access rights, comments incl. full text search ...

Image Editor

Extensive Image Editor with lots of features like crop, rotate, flip, zoom ...

macooa Cloud Storage

€ 17.- per Month per Enterprise
  • 250 GB
  • *.jpg, *.gif, *.pdf, ...
  • Assign Projects, Access Rights, ...
  • Picture Gallery...
  • Image Editor
  • Drag & Drop Upload...
  • Completely integrated in macooa...
  • Simply activate in macooa

Prices are excluding VAT.
EU Guideline 2003/361: Segment of SME is defined as follows: maximum Number of Staff: 249, maximum Turnover per Year: 50 Million EUR, maximum Balance Sheet of 43 Million EUR.
*) Pre-requisite: Usage of macooa on macOS including FaceTime.
**) Pre-requisite: Skype Account.

You have a question?

About us

The macooa GmbH has been founded in 2015. Software products and consulting service offered by macooa GmbH are distinctive value propositions for the Small and Medium sized Enterprises segment.

The requirements of that client segment continues to be the driving force behind further developments of the macooa product and service portfolio.


macooa GmbH
Zum Kälterhaus 4
63755 Alzenau
Deutschland (Bayern)